Environmental Economics and Policy, Education
Adjunct Professor of Environmental Studies, California State University Sacramento; Visiting Scholar, American Enterprise Institute; Executive Officer, State of California's Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee; Director of the Air Quality Project, Reason Foundation; Consultant, RAND Corporation; Senior Policy Analyst, Legislative Analyst's Office
MS in Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology; BS in Chemistry, Cornell University
Joel Schwartz is a Senior Consultant in the Blue Sky Consulting Group, and brings a distinguished track record in public policy and regulatory analysis. Most recently, Joel was a visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focused on air quality, transportation, risk assessment, and climate policy.
Joel previously served as the executive officer for the State of California’s Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee, a government agency charged with evaluating California’s vehicle emissions inspection program and making recommendations to the Legislature and Governor on program improvements. His other environmental policy experience includes director of the Air Quality Project at the Reason Foundation, as a consultant for the RAND Corporation and the South Coast Air Quality Management District, and as staff scientist for the Coalition for Clean Air. Joel also served as a Senior Policy Analyst at the Legislative Analyst's Office, where he worked on K-12 education policy.
Joel holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Cornell University and a master’s degree in planetary science from the California Institute of Technology. He was a German Marshall Fund fellow in 1993, during which he studied European approaches to transportation and air quality policy.
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